Our Race Course

Automobile Technician

I inspect, maintain, and repairs electric, gas, hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles. In smaller businesses, their duties may include a full range of repair and maintenance services.

Cosmetic Therapist

I am a Assistant Beautician
I provide basic depilation, manicure, pedicure and basic face care. Cosmetic therapy deals with the beautification of body employing ...

Food & Beverage / Steward

The food and beverage industry is one of the highest paid industries in the hospitality service sector. The food and beverage service system has become an accepted way of life.

Frontline Health Worker

Frontline health workers are those directly providing services where they are most needed, especially in remote and rural areas. They are the first and often only link to essential ...

General Duty Assistant

The core functions of a hospital system with almost 40% of the medical and patient care that is d the hospital system is managed by nurses. Doctors account for another ...

Home Health Aide

The Home Health Aide program is designed to deliver training to students for providing individualized healthcare to the convalescents, elderly or the people ...

Trainee Associate (Retail)

Today, India is experiencing a Retail Industry Boom. The Retail Industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the country. It is a retail revolution brought on by rising demand ...

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